ok whether or not u choose to believe i read a lot is up to you. but i do -_-.Anyway this book is about a boy whos a clone of a powerful man. It tells his story as he grows up. Here's whats on the back. At his coming-of-age party,Matteo Alacran asks El Patron's bodyguard. "How old am I?... I know I don't have a birthday like humans,but i was born."
"You were harvested." Tam Lin reminds him. "You were grown in that poor cow for nine months and then you were cut out of her."
To most people around him, Matt is not a boy but a beast. But for El Patron , lord of a country called Opium- a strip of poppy fields lying between the U.S and what was once called Mexico-Matt is a guarantee of eternal life. El Patron loves Matt as he loves himself, for Matt is himself. They share identical DNA.
As Matt struggles to understand his existence, he is threatened by a sinister, grasping cast of characters, including El Patrons power hungry family. He is surrounded by a dangerous army of bodyguards and by the mindless slaves of Opium, brain-deadened 'eejits' who toil in poppy fields.
Escape from the Alcaran Estate is no gurantee of freedom beacause Matt is marked by his difference in ways he doesnt even suspect. Around every turn in this vivid, futuristic adventure is a new, heart stopping surprise.
If ur still not sure u wanna read this book , it has 3 , not 1, not 2, but 3 medals on the cover. Its only 38 chapters and im on chapter 15 ^^. So if im reading it it has to be good. Trust me this'll be one of the "good books" youve read. Oh and i dont recommend reading another book when reading this one. Youll be so lost >_>