yeah so saw this and i made this bout this _-_. k get some ground chicken (or ground beef) cook it in a skillet over medium heat v.v add desired seasongs such as pepper and chilli powder. add some onions and cook throughly. then take off heat and add ur fav barbecue sauce to mixture. -.- enjoy
lmao....omg i cracked up too much >_< So if I had a boyfriend his name would go here & this would be the spot where i would say ' OMG i freaking love you but no. not me im saying im single right now & im fine with that & this spot will be saved for T H A T B O Y W H E N H E C O M E S A L O N G <3
lmao! So if I had a boyfriend his name would go here & this would be the spot where i would say ' OMG i freaking love you but no. not me im saying im single right now & im fine with that & this spot will be saved for T H A T B O Y W H E N H E C O M E S A L O N G <3